Only .bi accredited registrars are allowed
to register domain names directly on this
site. If you are not our accredited registrar
yet and would like to become one,
click here. Else, you will need to register
your domain name(s) via one of the .bi accredited registrars listed below :

-1st Antagus Internet GmbH


-Ascio Technologies

-Base International


-Com Laude

-CSC Corporate Domains Inc.

-Documentdata Anstalt

-Dynadot LLC

-EIMS(Shenzhen)Culture&Technology Co.,ltd

-Gransy s.r.o.

-International Domain Administrator(Safenames)

-IP Mirror Pte Ltd




Enter up to 15 domains to register. Separate each domain by a new line.


Before registering any domain names, make sure that they do not contain any pornographic, sexual or racist words such as sex, sexo, porn, porno, gay, lesbian, etc. Also, domain names like are not permitted. If you register and pay for any domain names which fall under the restricted category, we will not activate them and your money will not be refunded.

Registrars can now credit their account by credit/debit card or wire transfer without the need to pay each time they make registrations, renewals and/or transfers. To be able to do so, login and once y logged on, click on my account and pay by credit card or wire transfer to credit your account. Each time, there is a registration, renewal or transfer, two payment options will be given to registrars:
- Pay by credit card
- Pay by my account